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CBD and Chronic Pain Management

CBD and Chronic Pain Management

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CBD Oil - 1000mg broad spectrum (hemp oil carrier)
CBD Oil - 1000mg broad spectrum (hemp oil carrier)

CBD Oil - 1000mg broad spectrum (hemp oil carrier)



The expansion of CBD into modern medical research has shown medicinal benefits but still lacks quality human studies. Over the last couple of years, the science explaining plant-derived cannabinoid has improved tremendously. Far beyond its crude use in ancient times, many have currently used CBD for reasons yet largely unproven. Research inquiries using animal models and human subjects have been documented to scientifically explain CBD pharmacology and other plant-derived cannabinoids and their associated therapeutic effects.


Within this time, there have been many scientific publications and reviews focused on the characterization of cannabinoids and the different components of the endocannabinoid system. To further understand how CBD interacts with the human system, many animal model studies have also been conducted. Based on anecdotal evidences, CBD has been suggested to exert many therapeutic effects that are considered beneficial in humans by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. The biological distribution of the endocannabinoid receptors allows cannabinoids and CBD to influence the body’s response in immunity, inflammation, mood, appetite, neurotransmission, pain regulation, cognition, and sleep.


One of the areas that CBD has become more relevant in is pain management. Following recent changes in the rules guiding CBD in sports, many athletes now use CBD-based products in the management of pain. Many integrative healthcare providers also recommended CBD, in supervised dosages, for many patients. From minor injuries to pains in cancer patients, CBD has been used as alternatives to conventional analgesics. Chronic pain can be debilitating and mentally overwhelming. Many of those who suffer severe chronic pain also face hard choices about pharmaceutical treatments, whereas NaturalWorks’ CBD oil is completely natural.



Why Choose CBD?


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound of the cannabis plant. Unlike the cannabinoid compound THC, CBD does not result in the "high" that occurs with THC. In essence, a pure brand of CBD, as produced by NaturalWorks, is non-psychoactive and, as such, free from the risk posed by opioid analgesics. In 2017, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted to determine the addictive tendency of oral cannabidiol in healthy marijuana users. The study module was designed to compare possible abuse signals in administered doses of oral cannabidiol and smoked marijuana. As published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, active marijuana reliably produced abuse-related subjective effects; however, CBD displayed no signals of abuse liability at the doses tested. Many other studies explain why there are many moves to integrate CBD into sports and modern medicine.


The medicinal use of cannabidiol dates back thousands of years. Artifacts are continuously being unearthed in early civilization dig areas. Historical texts, written long ago, imply the common use and benefits of cannabis. As its benefits are rediscovered, there still lies a stigma around cannabis products. Patients are often subscribed to opioid pharmaceuticals or steroidal medications that have long-term health risks, including addiction. There is a fine gray line for most chronic pain sufferers; however, there is no such risk with our CBD oil.


A 2012 study from the Journal of Experimental Medicine identified the benefits of cannabinoids on the suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. This study stands out from the rest because it does not relate CBD's effectiveness on the body's CB receptors, but the glycine receptors (GlyRs). Studies such as this one are ever-evolving due to the rediscovery of cannabidiol. Earlier studies, and even those done recently, find CBD's benefits on pain and the body are there because of CB receptors.  As medical studies try to identify the mechanisms of how CBD is undeniably helpful in alleviating some types of pain, there is no doubt that this field of study will grow with positive results.





How CBD Works in the Human Body


CBD is a plant-derived cannabinoid and, as such, needs extensive studies before use in humans. Scientists have conducted many animal trials in a bid to determine safe dosage in humans. Other studies were also focused on explaining how this compound interacts with the human body. Judging from many studies conducted until now, CBD interacts with the human body in many ways. As a natural cannabinoid, it interacts with many components of the endocannabinoid system and other receptors in the body.


So generally, the pharmacology of cannabinoids is complex and involves many receptors, transporters, and enzymes that function differently in the body. Although there are many grey areas about the science of cannabinoids, however, the pharmacology of cannabidiol appears to be dependent on the quantity used. At a low dose concentration, CBD blocks the nucleoside transporter (ENT) and the transient receptor potential of the melastatin type 8 (TRPM8) channel. At this concentration, it also enhances the effects of the 5-HT1a receptor and the transient receptor potential of ankyrin type 1 (TRPA1).


At a high dose concentration, CBD activates the nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor's activity and the transient receptor potential of vanilloid type 1 and 2. Many research studies have also suggested that CBD functions as an inverse agonist at the cannabinoid receptors. This single finding explains why it does not cause addiction in users. In marijuana users, CBD blocks THC's psychoactive effect and partly shields the user from its characteristic 'high.' There are many researches researchers with evidence suggesting that CBD counteracts the activation of CB1 receptors in the brain. With all the available evidence, it is safe to say that CBD has no specific target in the human body but instead works on many organ systems to achieve therapeutic benefit in humans.



CBD Produced at NaturalWorks


For cannabidiol to work effectively in the body, it must be produced and packaged in the purest form for human consumption. A pure CBD brand meant for use in humans is expected to have a low contaminant profile, free from solvents, and have optimal bioavailability in the human biological system. This is exactly what NaturalWorks CBD oil offers. The cannabis flower used in the production of every batch of NaturalWorks CBD oil is expertly grown and tendered by experienced farmers in Switzerland. The flowers are cultivated in a native natural habitat that ensures that the CBD content is of the highest quality.


When administered for the management of chronic pain, CBD oil is expected to exert a biological response in man. As such, commercialized brands of CBD are expected to be analyzed for physicochemical properties, examined for bioavailability profile in clinical studies, and have toxicity data and dosage recommendations. Depending on production data available, the range of physicochemical properties determined in CBD analysis processes includes solubility, passive permeability, bioavailability, protein binding, and complex formation.


Bioavailability is a parameter that expresses the extent to which the active form of CBD enters the systemic circulation and reaches the target site to affect the desired effect in pain management. In drug studies, this term also describes the proportion of the drug that reaches the target site. For CBD oil, this property's values most times depend on the route of drug administration, dosage form, drug metabolism rate, food intake, and blood circulation. In essence, the presentation of the oil and other factors, as stated, can affect how CBD oil helps in chronic pain management.


In many regions of the world, CBD and cannabis-derived medications have been legalized for complementary and integrative healthcare. This has prompted many production companies to develop different presentation forms for this constituent of the Cannabis sativa. The NaturalWorks CBD oil is formulated to maximally permeate the biological membranes and reach the target sites on time. Each batch is lab-tested and verified for cannabinoid profile and safety. When used in the management of chronic pain, the user is guaranteed a safe product free from dangerous toxins and heavy metals.



CBD Indications in Pain Management


Joint Pain, Back Pain, and Arthritic Pain


Joint pain which is related to conditions like arthritis often involves the immune system response to those conditions. Chronic back pain impacts many adults in their lifetime. With conditions that involve specific pain areas, topical CBD is recommended rather than a liquid or edible. When applied to the skin, NaturalWorks CBD oil permeates the membrane and becomes rapidly absorbed. When fully absorbed, animal model studies have suggested that cannabinoids block pain signaling to different degrees in a biological system.


By interacting with the cannabinoid receptors, CBD can effectively regulate the normal body response to pain sensation. A scientific reference publication on the importance of cannabinoids in the regulation of the central neuronal pain circuits was published by the International Journal of Neuroscience. With this study, researchers confirmed that Cannabinoids induce dopamine release and in mid-brain areas and effectively control the sensory path of descending pain stimulus.


In addition to treating specific pain areas, the NaturalWorks CBD oil also has an anti-anxiety effect as well. Severe pain is not always limited to just pain. Anxiety surrounding the condition, the pain, or triggers of the pain can increase pain. For pain sufferers that are wanting pain and anxiety relief, we should look into an edible or ingested form of CBD oil, such as the ones we offer.


Muscle Pain


Muscle pain, exercise, or injury-induced, can prohibit the body's natural healing abilities. Tension leads to pain as well as increases pain. A benefit of our CBD is the muscle relaxant properties. By allowing the muscles to relax, and by keeping the pain minimal, the body has a quicker recovery rate. Athletes have begun to share their experience with CBD not only after a workout but before as well. Cannabidiol does have cognitive benefits that have driven some athletes to use it before a workout for better focus and concentration.


Cannabinoids also modulate inflammatory effects by upregulating cannabinoid receptor activity and increasing endocannabinoid production. Research reports also suggest that CBD affects the microglial cells and reduces the inflammatory mechanism in the human body. The science is still developing; however, CBD has shown potential therapeutic benefits for the management of pain and inflammation in runners. In many cases, CBD can be used with conventional painkillers under medical supervision. It is also important that the administration dose should be regulated to prevent the risk of adverse reactions.


Neuropathic Pain


Chronic debilitating pain might result from concussion injuries or fractures sustained from rigorous activities. People that are involved in contact endurance sports have an increased risk of tissue damage, which results, sometimes, in neuropathic pain.  If the stress on the tissue continues, lactic acid might accumulate in the muscle cells, causing excruciating pain and inflammation. The pain can spread to adjacent areas of the body and persist for a long time. This increases the risk of tissue damage and also causes discomfort.


In 2008, the Journal of Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management published the review of a study on the effect of cannabidiol in the management of neuropathic pain.  Judging from this study's result, CBD exerts a multi-nodal effect on nociceptive pathways and offers a complementary therapy approach for neuropathic pain when combined with opioids. And if used alone in supervised dosage, CBD can effectively combat muscle fatigue while reducing the painful sensation. NaturalWorks’ CBD oil is particularly good for athletes that undergo intense workout sessions.


In these athletes, persistent muscle fatigue can cause small tears in the muscle, leading to pain and inflammation. A report documenting the result of clinical research aimed at investigating the effect of CBD on inflammation was published in 2015 by the Journal of Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. Results published suggested that CBD's receptor binding effects significantly reduce the risk of tissue inflammation in human subjects and improve the rate of injury recovery in humans.


Cancer Pain


People with cancer can definitely benefit from the pain-relieving properties of CBD. At advanced stages of the condition, many patients with cancer report recurring episodes of body pain that appear to affect every part of the body. These people also experience moderate to severe pain that occurs simultaneously in multiple sites, including the limbs, the bones, and the joints. For health professionals, managing pain in cancer patients can be difficult and tasking. This is because there are many underlying mechanisms involved in this type of pain.


This explains why integrative healthcare professionals recommend combining conventional drugs with natural products with analgesic properties. There are many reports supporting the use of CBD as a complementary therapy approach for cancer pain. In 2002, the Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics published a review report focused on CBD and cancer pain. This study examined the potential usefulness of Cannabinoids in the management of moderate to severe pain in cancer patients. Results from the study confirmed that CBD could reduce cancer pain by interacting directly with the cannabinoid 1 receptors located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.


By acting in other receptors in the endocannabinoid system, CBD can also inhibit pain mediators' expression in the human body. For cancer patients battling with generalized, combining NaturalWork’s CBD oil with a conventional analgesic can help reduce the pain sensations. However, it is advised that this combination should only be used under the supervision of a medical professional. NaturalWork’s CBD oil can also be used in patients not eligible for opioids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.



Side Effects of CBD in Humans


No doubt, CBD has proven useful in the management of different human ailments. Many medical professionals are now backed by regional laws to prescribe safe CBD quantities for use in many patients. Although CBD is a natural product, it is not known if it is entirely safe for humans as of yet however many clinical reviews and studies have been conducted to determine its side effects in animal models and human volunteers. These studies have suggested that the common adverse effects of CBD are concentration-dependent.


Beyond the quantity administered, there are also different theories on how CBD can become toxic when used in humans. Some experts have argued the possibility of metabolic conversion of CBD to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When present in the human system, THC can cause many psychoactive reactions and other adverse effects known to marijuana toxicity. A CBD product containing residual THC contaminants, solvents, and heavy metal impurities can also cause adverse effects harmful to health in users.


A large recurring benefit of using NaturalWorks' CBD is the relative safety of it. There have been no recorded overdoses, and research has continued to show that CBD has no risk of addiction. Even with possible side effects, the most common continue to be mild. This is not to say CBD is safe for everyone, hence why it is always important to consult with your doctor before starting any new form of supplementation. Mild side effects could become severe with underlying health conditions or the use of medications. Studies have indicated that some medications can be less or more potent and/or effective when taken with CBD. Side effects of watching for include tiredness, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and weight changes. Keeping a journal with dates, dosages, CBD products, and side effects is useful when trying to determine the best product for you.


To use our CBD to its fullest potential, talking with your health professional will ensure that you are aware of possible side effects and/or medication complications. Even though there are many articles on the internet that offer the do’s and don'ts of dosing guidelines, those are only guidelines. Dosing should be consulted with your healthcare provider before beginning or increasing the dose. In the event that you notice any unexpected side effects while on the dose prescribed by your health professional, it is advisable to report such immediately. The most commonly documented adverse effects noticed with CBD use include:



Gastrointestinal Side Effects


If you are a first time user of a CBD oil product, it is likely that you will experience some gastrointestinal side effects while on your first few doses. In children, these effects are more pronounced. A 2019 publication of the New England Journal of Medicine examined the range of side effects noticed in patients treated with CBD. The commonly reported gastrointestinal side effects by participants in this study include diarrhea, weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and abdominal pain.



Reproductive Side Effect


Women of reproductive age who are placed on CBD for the management of chronic pain are also likely to report side effects. CBD and cannabis-derived products are not recommended for use in pregnant women and nursing mothers as the risk to the fetus and children under 2 years is considered to be much. The common side effects reported by women using CBD have been linked with the tendency of CBD to inhibit the production and function of progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone. These effects can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle, inhibits fetal development, and increases the risk of fetal mortality.



Cardiovascular Side Effects


The cardiovascular side effects of CBD in patients are considered the extension of its physiological effect. Early reports and studies on the cardiovascular effects of CBD were first documented in rhesus monkeys. As expected, these side effects depend on the concentration of CBD in the blood. The side effects of CBD on the cardiovascular system include bradycardia, cardiac failure, hypopnea, and severe hypotension.



The Takeaway


The benefits of NaturalWorks’ cannabidiol for easing chronic pain and other symptoms are evident and positive. Despite this, talking to your healthcare provider will help keep you safe and healthy. Depending on the indication, it is important that your healthcare provider help you start with the minimum dose that exerts the optimal effect. As the pain sensation reduces, it might also be necessary to reduce the dose of administration. Although CBD is derived from a natural source, it can still cause different adverse reactions in many people. Some patients might also not report any adverse effects while on a CBD.


Journaling side effects and pain relief gives you an opportunity to better understand your body and find the right NaturalWorks product. To reduce the risk of adverse reactions, NaturalWorks’ CBD is produced as a premium quality product screened from impurities and packaged to serve the needed therapeutic effects. Our cannabidiol gives a positive outlook for pain sufferers without the chance of addiction or overdose. The use of CBD should still be considered a tool, not a solution. Other healthy lifestyle changes can add to your success.


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